How to slow down

5 Self-Care Strategies to help you to slow down

 I've always been an on-the-go kinda girl. I don't sit still for long, always something to do and somewhere to be. I love adventure, trying new things and exploring new places. I like my life cup filled to the brim.


As the years have gone by though, all the on-the-go has taught me a few things. I have learnt some pretty steep lessons on the cost of always going fast. I've learnt that if we don't counteract the fast pace with going slow, our bodies tire out and we burn out. Burn out is not a place we want to hang out for long.

Self care tips

So how do we avoid burn out? It's simple really, we must slow down. That doesn't mean we can't go fast and have an action packed life, it just means that we can't live that way all of the time. What goes up, must come down. What goes fast, must go slow. Our nervous systems just simply cannot operate in fast mode constantly. They have to have the chance to be calm, heal, reset and be rested.

What is Self Care?

When we talk about self care here we are not referring to being selfish and indulgent. We mean it in the traditional sense -  taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, mentally and physically, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can accomplish your goals. It includes caring for your basic needs such as sleep, nutrition and nurturing human connection. It means recognising when you need to slow down.



1. Over-scheduling 

Over-scheduling leads to overwhelm which sucks the joy out of everything. The best way to avoid overscheduling is to be clear about your priorities. If it's not a priority at the moment, don't squeeze it in. Leave time in each day, to just be.

2. Be Intentional

 A major pitfall for busy people is doing lots of things at a time. While multi-tasking is a great skill and at times is necessary, the art of doing one thing at a time helps to stay focused, be present which lowers stress and overwhelm. Being intentional means being clear and realistic on what you want to achieve and and then working towards achieving it. 

3. Practice Mindfullness

Mindfulness is being fully present in this moment. It takes practice to be mindful as you go about your day, especially if you have been used to going fast, always thinking of the next. One great way to check in with yourself is to become fully aware of your surroundings by using your senses. Ask yourself, what can I smell, what can I feel, see, hear. Take a few deep breaths and observe. This will help to ground you in this one moment.

Being mindful when you are doing a task will help create a state of flow, you know that feeling of being absolutely absorbed in what you are currently doing? It usually happens when you are doing something you love. You might call it 'being in your zone'. While mindfulness is often referred to as a state of relaxation, with practice you can also use it as a tool to focus and be fully immersed in an activity or task.

4. Breathe

 It may seem simple, but if you stop and observe your breath you may be surprised at how shallow you are actually breathing. The simple act of taking nice deep breaths can calm your mind, slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce stress levels. So breathe.

5. Soak 

Soaking in a warm bath when you need to slow down will relax your mind and body. It will soothe your tight sore muscles and leave you feeling so calm you will want climb into her and nod off to sleep.

Set you intention to make time to soak regularly, breathe deeply, practice being in the moment and you'll soon see the benefits to you overall well-being. 

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